GTA Online adds Declasse Scramjet and reworked Hunting Pack Adversary Mode

GTA Online has added a new vehicle and a new Adversary Mode. The Declasse Scramjet will send you soaring, while the new Hunting Pack (Remix) Adversary Mode, for the most part, left me snoring.
As the name suggests, Hunting Pack (Remix) is a reworking of the 2015 original—this time with its latest car incorporated. The drill is the same as before: you either assume control of the runner, who drives a bomb-rigged truck which, once activated, cannot let its speed drop without exploding; an attacker, whose job it is to stop the truck; or a defender, who's tasked with keeping the truck moving.
With a full house, this can be fun. I've played several matches so far, but have only won once on the side of the defenders. For my money, it's too easy  to halt the bomb bus, and even in the moments where we got ahead—be that with me at the wheel, or while defending a teammate—the distance you're expected to travel before victory in defence is too long.

At $4,628,400, the new Declasse Scramjet doesn't come cheap, but winning a round of the above grants you access to its $3,480,000 trade price.

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