Taking feedback from the Rainbow Six Siege Test Server for Operation Grim Sky, Ubisoft is implementing balancing patches for a few of the game's Operators. One of the two new Grim Sky Operators, Maverick, is getting the most changes.
Players must have felt Maverick was too effective
an Operator, as all of his changes are nerfs. His smoke grenade is
being replaced with a stun grenade and his blowtorch's volume is being
made louder so that he can no longer easily hide where he's cutting.
Maverick's blowtorch is also being made weaker against barbed wire, so
the process of destroying it takes about twice as long as before.
Ubisoft has heard that players want Maverick's blowtorch to run through
fuel faster and have a shorter range as well, but the developer is
holding off on changing either for now.
In comparison, Operation
Grim Sky's other Operator, Clash, is getting no changes. Ubisoft reports
that the team will continue to monitor her performance going forward,
Operation Grim Sky launches this September. Rainbow Six Siege is available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
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